19 - 27 September 2015



D  E  L  I  C  A  C  Y

r  e  v  i  s  i  t  e  d



After a much admired launch in Milan this April at the Milan Art Fair MIART the show DELICACY arrives in London for the LDF2015 in the heart of the festival, the Brompton Design District.




DROP - cut out rug 250cm x 300cm (8`2.4” x 9`10.1”) Unique pieces


Gold-plated by Veronika Wildner, Photos by Felix Friedmann, Laura Huhta


Expect spectacular wall pieces, lamps and glass that all refer to a sense of DELICACY, like in fineness & exquisiteness, fragility, sensitivity or even trickiness. See works of surprise and unexpectedness, some of which will even vanish in time... Four artists will challenge our perception of the value of materials and encourage us to rethink our vision of codes, standards and esteem:

An architect and philosopher, NOÉMI KISS (Transylvania/Vienna) maneuvers with a range of materials. She re-incarnates old Persian rugs and alters them into new surprising forms, implementing new functions and structures – they can become, for instance, a table. Amongst the other objects she creates, are overpainted and cut-out rugs as wall-pieces, sometimes portraying insects. These creatures, often loathed by us mortals – become surprisingly charming and attractive in her work.

Next we will present wall lights by the alchemist from Mexico City, THIERRY JEANNOT, who transmutes was- te into noble objects. He creates his pieces out of a combination of re-purposed PET plastic bottles, scrap metals, burnt wood and hand-made bronze parts. Jeannot orients his work towards paradox and contrast, transforming what might be seen as a plague, into sophisticated artworks.

The artist GISELA STIEGLER from Vienna delicately carves polystyrene fishboxes from Viennese markets to create elegant lamps in white and black. The lamps achieve with their lightness, a fascinating monumentality. Unlit, they are solemn architectural sculptures, while when lit the lamps become a subtle and comfortable light-source. We will also exhibit some of her acclaimed otherwordly wall sculptures.

GALA FERNANDEZ from México City works with the fragile material of glass which - in an exquisite and highly skilled process - is blown into old Mexican birdcages and other everyday objects of the streets of Mexico serve as the moulds for the hot liquid glass. New life is blown into the cages, the delicate birds having gained back their freedom.



Garage of Morgan Cars 6

Astwood Mews, London SW7 4DE
Tel: ++44 - (0) 7949 726097

Tel. Morgan Cars: 020 3627 4440


19-27 September 2015, 11am-7pm

Private Views: Sat 19th and Thu 24th, 5-9pm

PROGRAM: tbc - please watch closer to the date.

4pm daily: please join us for a special teatime in the Mews


Nearest tube: Gloucester Road, from there walk 2 minutes

Walk from Sth Kensington tube: 10 minutes

Busses 49 or 74 from South Kensington running to Gloucester Road Tube Station

SPECIAL SHUTTLE: for Thu 24th Brompton night only: Morgan Cars will run a shuttle service beetween the venue and Sth Kensington, please watch out




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Tel: ++44 - (0) 7949 726097
Tel: Morgan Cars: 020 3627 4440

TWITTER: @marionfriedmann



Marion Friedmann launched her eponymous gallery in 2011, with a - fêted by media - show called `En- lightened Waste’ during the London Design Festival / Brompton Design District. She has been a design advocate for more than twenty years, working as a curator, collector, and consultant. The gallery operates through a system of bold pop-up exhibitions and represents cutting edge limited edition design by emer- ging and established vanguard design talent, with a specific attention on promoting designers from Mexico and Latin America.